Inclement Weather:
It is not typical for a region's standard procedure to reschedule games due to weather. Occasionally if the weather is severe enough, a region may cancel or post pone games for the day and will send notices via email accordingly. Otherwise, plan to play rain, snow, or shine.
Occasionally the City may require that we cancel games on their fields, and we will notify you accordingly.
FOR EXTRA play, if the field is closed for our schedule game or in case of lighting or poor air quality, work with the AREA extra coordinator, the other coach, and the region ref admin to reschedule the game.
Air Quality Index:
Consistent with rain, snow, and lightning, if the air quality index is orange or higher, the region will evaluate and monitor the air quality index to determine if CORE games need to be cancelled.
Coaches should take consideration for children's health when air quality index is in the orange. Consult weather channel and/or weather apps. Consider rescheduling practice when in the orange. Coaches should cancel or reschedule practice if the air quality index is in the red.
EXTRA Play: Coaches should consider rescheduling games if air quality index is orange. Coaches should reschedule games if the air quality index is in the red.
Challenges of rescheduling games: If you as a coach decide to not play a scheduled game, it causes multiple issues for the region including referee assignments and goal and net setup assignments. Even if you have a game scheduled that doesn't require net take down or setup and doesn't require referees (ie U6 division), we still have issues of goals turn up missing when the next team shows up for their game. Work with the coaches that you're scheduled to play with and do your best to hold your game still. If you have to get a parent or assistant coach to cover for you or share players between the two teams, these are valid options to be able to still hold your game.
Inclement Weather - Lightning:
All training sessions and games will be delayed for 30 minutes at the first lightning strike within 10 miles. The 30-minute delay will restart every time lightning strikes within 10 miles. Players, parents, and spectators are not to return to the fields until a full 30 minutes has passed without a lightning strike within 10 miles.
- For training sessions, this means that you will either have to delay the rest of your session per these instructions or cancel your training session that day.
- For EXTRA games, if you don't have any games after your game, then you can consider delaying per these instructions. Otherwise, if the fields aren't available for delay, then you have two possible outcomes. First, if your game is delayed prior to half time and there isn't sufficient time to delay any further that day, then you can work with the other coach to reschedule. Second, if your game is delayed after half time and there isn't sufficient time to delay any further that day, then the match will be finished, and the score will be posted based on the time that the match was delayed due to lightning.
- For CORE games, once your allotted time for your game has expired, you will not be able to delay any further due to lightning and you will have to cancel the remainder of the game.