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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

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·        Manage the team including sidelines during games.

·        Ensure that parents follow the spectator seating requirements.

·        Parents should not address the referee. Only the coach is allowed to address the referee and only in a respectful manner.

·        Ensure that Team and Parents respect opponents and opposing coaches.

·        Ensure proper equipment and compliance with Laws of the Games, particularly:

o   SHIN GUARDS are MANDATORY for all games and practices and must be worn under socks (not over socks with sock tucked back over)

o   NO HOODIES (hoods must be tucked in if worn)

o   No jewelry / piercings of any kind, braces or casts, watches, etc.

·        Ensure that NO DOGS are allowed on the field. It is the coach’s responsibility to make sure that those on their sidelines do not bring dogs.

·        Start on time. If you are assigned a referee, make sure you have a referee for your game or coordinate with the Referee Admin and Scheduler. If you are assigned to setup nets make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get them setup.

·        BE a STEWARD of the game and field including equipment. If it is your turn to take down nets (and goals for younger ages), make sure they get taken down and are stored safely for the next game and that you arrive early the next game to set them up. Make sure kids don’t hang on the goals.

·        No swearing

·        Keep it Safe, Fun, and Fair



·        Coaches Coach, Parents Cheer. Allow the players to play and to learn to apply their skills without parents yelling instructions to them during games. Allow the coaches to coach without being a joy-stick coach (look it up if you’re not sure what that means).

·        It is not the coaches’ responsibility to make sure your child gets home safely. Inclement weather and other emergencies can arise, or sessions end early, and parents need to be nearby and be ready to pick up their children after games and practices. Don’t leave the coach to run practice by his or herself.

·        Parents to comply with the expectations set by the coach as detailed above.

·        Be positive. Avoid criticism on the car ride home. Your players decision to continue playing soccer may likely be influenced by the car ride home.

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AYSO Area 9R

Serving the Northern Utah & Wyoming area. 

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